Range Rover 10 Minute Diff Casing Protector
By Andy Grafton
Ingredients :
Donor axle casing i.e. from Series vehicle.
Welding rod.
Cooking equipment :
Plasma cutter or angle grinder. Masochist's alternative - hacksaw.
Welding machine.
Large mixing bowl. Preferably one that won't be missed by spouse.
Spanner for diff filler plug.
Special Tool RTC15674#3 for removing diff drain plug.
Kitchen towel to soak up excess oil.
Method :
Cut out filler plug area from old axle using plasma cutter or angle grinder. Make about 2cm clearance all the way round the old filler plug.
Cut the entire thin diff front (banjo?) off the old axle. When you're trying to decide where to cut, a good place is above the tight bend where it joins the axle casing.
Cut bite size pieces from the periphery of the now separate "diff protector" to allow offroad guk to be washed out from behind it.
Neaten to taste.
Drain oil from diff into large mixing bowl as required.
Disconnect battery.
Tack weld to existing axle at Gas Mark 6 until done.
Refill diff with oil.
Reconnect battery.
Paint to suit tastes, and serve.
Copyright Dixon Kenner, 1995-2011. Last modified September 23, 2007.
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